3 Tips For Moving With Small Children
The thought of moving from one location to another is often overwhelming for most people, but this feeling of being overwhelmed is increased exponentially when you have young children. These children need your love and attention for several hours during the day; so many parents have no idea how they are going to find time to move on top of all of this. This article will give you 3 tips for successfully moving, and staying sane, when you have small children at home.
Include Them When Possible
If your children feel that they are more involved in the moving process, it will make it that much more fun and exciting for them. They will be less likely to act out, because they will be kept busy helping you with the move. You can have them pack up some of their books and toys into boxes that you have set up for them, and if they are old enough, they can set up the boxes with your help. You can show them how to correctly pack their items, and you can also show them how to properly tape and label their boxes. Depending on how well they do with this task, you can have them pack up more items around the house. This is a double win because you get extra help, and your child is happy to be involved.
Get Work Done On Your Own When You Can
While your kids are napping or at school are good times to get some packing done. There are some things that your children just can't help you with, so make sure that you get these items packed and secured when you are kid free. You may also stay up late at night to pack these items with your spouse in an effort to get as much done as possible without being interrupted by children who need your attention.
Hire Movers
Having your children help with different aspects of the moving process is ideal, but completing the entire move on your own can often times be too overwhelming for a lot of parents. In order to keep things less stressful, you can hire movers to help with the moving process. They will be in charge of loading and transporting all of your items for you. One or both parents can simply leave the house while the movers are packing up, and you can take the children somewhere fun to keep them entertained during this process. Talk to your movers, such as Crestwood Moving & Storage, for more information.