Home Buying Tips for Empty Nesters

When my youngest child moved out, I was left living in a large home by myself. Weekend visits from the grandchildren only filled the space part of the time. The home became more of a burden as each day passed. It was not until I was working with my real estate agent to sell my home and find a smaller home did I realize that there were so many others in the same position. I created this blog to help other empty nesters explore their options for downsizing and to provide guidance on finding a new home that fits in more with their lifestyle.

Home Buying Tips for Empty Nesters

Kids And Carpet Catastrophes: 2 Tips For Cleaning Up Common Kid Carpet Stains

21 January 2015
, Blog

When you have kids, your carpets are under constant attack. Children generate a lot of messes of various types, and the marks, stains and debris they leave behind in your carpet can be difficult to remove. Here are some tips to help you clean up some of the most common messes that your child could leave behind in your home's carpet. Grass Stains Grass stains can be extremely difficult to remove from any fabric, including your carpet.
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Honeybee Removal Tips

19 January 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Honeybees are important to the environment because they pollinate plants and they give precious raw honey to be used for a variety of medical and nutritional needs. Because of this, you will first want to try to keep honeybees alive when removing them from your home. If you have a bee infestation happening within the walls of your home, you will need to find the proper help in having them removed and having the clean up done properly so you are not left with decaying honeycomb in your walls.
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Five Tasks Every New Homeowner Should Do

18 January 2015
 Categories: , Blog

When you step off the moving truck, your first priority will naturally be to unpack all your boxes, so you can start to feel at home in your new place. However, unpacking is just one thing on a long list of tasks. These tips will help you get settled quickly and without issue. Have the Locks Replaced You have no way of knowing how many people have a key to your home, and this is especially true if you purchased the home from a previous owner.
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Packing Tricks To Make Your Move Easier

14 January 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Packing for a move can be a time-consuming process. You will need to consolidate all of the items you have accumulated over the years and fit them into a moving truck. To avoid paying excess charges, you will want to be able to smash in as many of your things as you can so you do not need to make extra hauls. Here are some packing tricks you can use to keep your belongings in tact and organized so you will find them when they are unloaded at your new destination.
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Top Tips For A Sane Kitchen Remodel Project

18 December 2014
 Categories: , Blog

If your blood starts to boil at just the thought of remodeling your kitchen, then take heart because there are simple things that you can do to make the process go a lot more smoothly. Here are a couple tips to get you started on your way to a sane kitchen remodel: Tip #1: Set a Realistic Budget While it sounds both reasonable and impossible all at the same time, setting a realistic budget for your remodel will save you a lot of headaches down the road.
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About Me
Home Buying Tips for Empty Nesters

When my youngest child moved out, I was left living in a large home by myself. Weekend visits from the grandchildren only filled the space part of the time. The home became more of a burden as each day passed. It was not until I was working with my real estate agent to sell my home and find a smaller home did I realize that there were so many others in the same position. I created this blog to help other empty nesters explore their options for downsizing and to provide guidance on finding a new home that fits in more with their lifestyle.
